We just received word from Keef’s camp that the rapper has been arrested yet again. Keef was in traffic court in Skokie, IL this morning, and was given probation, community service and a hefty fine for last month’s speeding charge. But upon leaving the courtroom, Keef was arrested by Chicago city police on unknown charges. He is currently being detained on the southside.
This story is developing, and we’ll keep you posted with further details when they become available to us.
Update: The Chicago Tribune is reporting Keef was picked up on a trespassing charge:
Leah Starkman, Cozart’s lawyer, said he was arrested after his court hearing on a misdemeanor trespassing charge. Starkman didn’t know the details of the arrest, but said he was in custody at the Grand Crossing District station, 7040 S. Cottage Grove Ave., on Chicago’s South Side.
She said she believes police were waiting from him to leave the Skokie courthouse.
“He’s still being processed,” she said. “I haven’t seen the paperwork.”
“a warning” = $531 fine, probation for 18 months, 60 hours community service and random drug testing?
“a warning” = you don’t go to jail
calling it now hes getting picked up under suspicion for the lil jojo murder.
Don’t know if you’re joking or not but that case is still being worked HARD by CPD. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did get locked up for that in the near future.
I wasn’t joking I’ve always thought he was gonna get bopped for that eventually
I think Reese should be more worried than Sosa, its him in that YouTube video audibly telling Jojo “I’MMA KILL YOU” as they drive by him on his bike.
Why the hell do they keep picking on chief keef? Like everything he does they have to come and arrested him that is ridiculous.
Maybe he should stop breaking the law?