So earlier today I slid over to the Park West here in Chicago to link up with Lupe Fiasco for a brief interview and live performance for Coca Cola’s Refresh Your Flow Tour that’s hitting select cities around the country. It’s a real nice event designed to reward youth ages 13-17, and various Wilson’s Boys & Girls Clubs around the country.
So I must admit, I was a little apprehensive to interview Lupe since, you know, I have been leaking a plethora of his old, unreleased material to the internets – most famously, “The Birds & The Bee’s” which I unleashed last Friday. I wasn’t sure how he was going to react to meeting me, or if he was going to attempt to put the shoe to me once I introduced myself (I kid, I kid).
As you can see from the video, it turned out to be the exact opposite. Lupe showed a lot of love to me as well as the site. After the press junket was over he invited me into the dressing room with the FNF crew to chat further about the situation and discuss future endeavors.
So look for some more Lupe x FSD features in the near future. I’ll also have some video of the performance up very soon.