So Psalm One is trying to out-do Jayceon Taylor, by upping the ante and spitting “500 Bars” off top. That’s a whole lotta bars. I can’t lie, I had to cut the Game’s shit off at like 8 minutes because I just couldn’t take it anymore and got bored with the name droppings and thinly-veiled threats. No shots at Game, of course. But it’s hard for me to focus in on that many lines without going to look at pr0n or something (I kid!). Anyhoo, it appears she’s getting with Jay iLLa to do something different here. I wonder what they’ve got up their sleeves…
As you may know, Game (formerly known as “The Game”) recently did a song in which he rapped for 400 bars. That’s a long time.
That little stunt blew up the Internet and had everyone talking.
Several questions were raised, including a question Game posed; he asked fans (via Twitter) to name other artists that they would like to hear do a 400 bar song. Psalm One’s name came up several times, and Psalm accepted the challenge.
In her world, it raised the question of raising the “bar”, as it were. The rapper in her wanted to go longer than Game, and actually take on the writer’s task of spitting relevant and refreshing bars for over 25 minutes.
Even with the best lyrics, a 25 minute song can become repetitive using a continuoous loop, so Psalm teamed up with Chicago Veteran DJ Jay Illa for an 8-hour live marathon session.
Look for this to drop June 1st.
I might have to issue Jay Illa a citation for sleeping in the screen cap above. Wake up nigga!
a waist of 25mins this will be extremely annoying
Not so sure about that. Sounds like a mixtape to me. Will be listening. Go Psalm!