Making claim that you’re the Best out West is, of course, controversial. Find out why Wiz feels this to be true on the second edition of his B.O.W. series. In case you missed his first foray, you can catch here.
Beats handled by Tony Baines and Tommy Skillfinger. The jump for the DL link and tracklist…
Fatboi Fresh – B.O.W. (Best Out West) Vol. 2
My nigga froppin like every month on nese niggas, Dont stop kid
I meant droppin lol
best mixtape i’ve heard in a while, good shit fatboi
that what they all say fuck this mixtape
naw fuck yo hatin ass, u must aint heard this shit yet, its doper than everything on here today.
I found that this album lacks the lyrical ingenuity of similar mixtures these days, possessing nothing unique to make it stand apart from the aforementioned. The beats fall flat, only hindering the overall quality of the finished product and making it very lackluster and unappealing in the end.
dont know what u just listened to.
I fux wit it hard. you need to name sum people who’s shit is killin this.
I want it all is dat shit.
I fucks with this hard yo! KILLING THE GAME LET HIM IN OR GET STEP ON!
About time someone started rapping over Sleigh Bells.
definitely putting this on my ipod
Yo Tha collectorz are pushing wiz heavy. i like what they do as team.
I fuckin love this mixtape
I think every one here is forgetting about that little “THC” at the top of Both best out west 1 and 2. It seems like they are doing their thing but Fakeshore hasnt given them any credit. Plus they barely graduated highschool n look what their doing. chicago needs to b on the look out
Tha Collectorz Make the best quality beats in chicago. I swear their shit is HD
saw this on my friends facebook and its actually pretty damn good. you guys should get some shows going, i would definitely support you guys