Ain’t nothin’ sweet about this here–this one is mean and vicious. Com’s got the gloves off.
Dion and Rashid get back to that 87th Street essence. This is the one we’ve all been waiting for. Rudy poo candy asses need not apply.
Update: No tags, but clean.
Oh Shit!!
Com went the fuck in with that shit… nigga sounds FEROCIOUS. He must’ve beat the sparks out the mic til it only read low frequency and static. This I was not expecting from our elder statesman. I’m loving his new thing more and more. Can’t wait for The Dreamer, The Believer to drop.
y yall always putting they government names up there? whats wit that?..
This is dat piff. Dope beat. Dope lyrics. Dope song. I hear you Dion, shit is solid.
#Nasty!!! Welcome Back Common Sense!!!
RASH! Fukk those weak ass mixtapes yall be downloading…..
HAAAAAAA RASHI strikes back…He really went at a lot of KIDS in the industry…I’m glad he did…it’s about time everyone does….MORE CHICAGO MUSIC….